
Gentle Qigong Exercise

Apr 11, 2020

A gentle Qigong Energy and Mobilisation Routine

I am a qualified Taiji (Tai Chi) teacher and this is my morning Qigong Routine.  

Qigong is Chinese and means "Energy Work", or "Energy Exercise", and complements the practice of Taiji (Tai Chi), 

This is a gentle but powerful way to wake up the energy system and prepare the body for more vigorous exercise, or qigong.

Breath naturally, enjoy the movements, become aware of your body sensations. Relax into them, and avoid causing any pain.  

Enjoy, don't do it if you have any health concerns, but contact us if would like help with them. 
15 Feb, 2023
Returning to Sport after Knee Injury
15 Apr, 2020
I often get asked to recommend a specific exercise to help low back, buttock or hip pain. But without examining someone, it is very hard to give the correct exercise, and quite easy to give an unhelpful one. However, the exercise above is quite gentle and can be generally helpful. I offer this for information only, and if you do it - please use your common sense and make sure you can lay down and get up comfortably before you try it. It is usually done with the more painful side stretched out on the floor first. If you have any questions please c ontact us.
06 Apr, 2020
Click on the image above to link to a simple breathing exercise for those of you that are stuck at home, that you can practice to improve lung volume. I put this together to give people ideas of how they can improve their breathing and help recover more quickly should they get ill. I hope you find it interesting and helpful. Please share, and leave any comments below, but please note the important warning at the bottom of this post, contact us if you have a query. It is for information only, and should not replace any other treatment you are receiving. Do not practice if you feel unwell, or it makes you feel light headed. If you are ill and your breathing worsens, or you feel anxious about it, please call your emergency services straight away.
01 Apr, 2020
If it is a recent injury - In General use a cold pack and PRICE Therapy. If it is an achy commonly recurring pain - in general use warmth In general stay mobile, but try not to provoke pain. If you are in severe pain and need medication, or are worried about the pain - you should contact your GP surgery, or call 111, or click here. If in doubt contact us at the clinic for advice. Cold Packs and PRICE therapy for recent Sprains and Strains Minor injuries, such as mild sprains and strains, can often be initially treated at home using PRICE therapy for two or three days. PRICE stands for protection, rest, ice, compression and elevation. P rotection – protect the affected area from further injury – for example, by using a support. R est – avoid exercise and reduce your daily physical activity. Using crutches or a walking stick may help if you can't put weight on your ankle or knee. A sling may help if you've injured your shoulder. I ce – apply an ice pack to the affected area for 10 - 15 minutes every two to three hours. A bag of frozen peas, or similar, will work well. Wrap the ice pack in a (preferably damp, but now soaking) towel, or use a gel pack sleeve if it has one, so that the ice pack doesn't directly touch your skin and cause an ice burn. C ompression – use elastic compression bandages during the day to limit swelling. E levation – keep the injured body part raised above the level of your heart whenever possible. This may also help reduce swelling. Hot Packs for Chronic Pain and Stiffness Heat treatments should be used for chronic conditions to help relax and loosen tissues and to stimulate blood flow to the area. Use heat treatments for conditions such as overuse injuries before participating in activities. Do not use heat treatments after activity, and do not use heat after an acute injury. Never use heat where swelling is involved because swelling is caused by bleeding in the tissue, and heat just draws more blood to the area. Heating tissues can be accomplished using a heating pad, or even a hot, wet towel. When using heat treatments, be very careful to use a moderate heat for a limited time to avoid burns. Never leave heating pads or towels on for extended periods of time or while sleeping.
31 Mar, 2020
This was a great article from Ergonomic Trends - click here for the full article
26 Mar, 2020
How do you stay fit and healthy while you are stuck at home, unable to go to the gym. How much exercise do you need to stay healthy? This interesting programme by the BBC might give you some ideas. Caution: This is for information only. If you decide to try some of the exercises shown, then start gently. If you would like some advice then feel free to message me using the contact us page..
By websitebuilder 26 Mar, 2020
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
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